- 2 min - ARE YOU RESPONDING APPROPRIATELY? Even in the best companies, a large number of...
Rebecca Watson
CEO, R. Watson Leadership
Rebecca Watson
CEO, R. Watson Leadership
Rebecca is a thought leader in the field of ‘human consciousness’. Through her books, speaking engagements, and consulting work with leaders, she demonstrates how to inspire both results and satisfaction in organizations. As we refine our awareness, it affects our personal happiness and success in life, which in turn influences how we co-create our working environments and societies.
She began her career as a corporate lawyer working in London and Melbourne Australia. With a strong interest in change management, she transitioned into leadership and organizational consulting before setting up her own coaching and training consultancy in 2007.
Rebecca works with leaders globally across public and private sectors from organizations such as BNP Paribas Bank, The Royal Air Force, UK Parliament, UK Tax Authority, Siemens, LinkedIn, PWC and Jaguar Land Rover.
Original Content by Rebecca
600 Million Breaths
It was a beautiful summer night in Chicago. Hot during the day but, once the sun went down, just right. I was on a balcony that overlooked lake Michigan, sharing laughs and conversation with a great leader...read more
Conscious Leadership
As a leader, there comes a point where you can’t work any harder to get more results. You need a fundamental shift in the way you are doing things. Apply the principles of Conscious Leadership to change the way you see yourself, your role and what really constitutes great leadership.
Online Course
Creating High Performing Teams
➤ Become a model inspirational leader and lead a coaching culture. Enhance your ability to navigate difficult conversations, run efficient meetings, tap your team’s full potential, and deliver results..
Creating High Performing Teams
➤ Become a model inspirational leader and lead a coaching culture. Enhance your ability to navigate difficult conversations, run efficient meetings, tap your team’s full potential, and deliver results.
Additional Content Featuring Rebecca
Three Steps to Regain Your Leadership Energy
2 min - As a leader, the energy you bring into each interaction (virtual meeting/phone/email) has...
How to Lead by Coaching
2 min - Learning the skills of Coaching and Facilitation are key to producing results, relieving...
Time to Reflect and Rest
TIME TO REFLECT AND REST Leaders have been challenged and possibly pushed to their limits...
Book Rebecca for Speaking Engagements
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