30-Min Live Q&A - Problem Solving with Emotional Intelligence
As events continue to unfold, we hear there will be more tough days ahead. Loss, uncertainty, overwhelm, and the interference of normal life stirs up a lot of emotion.
When we experience so much disruption in a situation that is out of our control, it’s important to focus on things that we can control – and one thing that helps us create calm, connection and sanity is our ability to experience our emotions, whatever they may be, in healthy ways.
In this Q&A, I will address your concerns and share some simple practices and tools you can use to deal with challenges as they arise.
Joie Seldon
Author of Emotions, an Owner’s Manual
Joie Seldon
Author & EQ Leadership Coach
Joie Seldon is a leadership coach, trainer and expert in Emotional Intelligence, teaching executives and business professionals how to utilize emotions as a tool for positive impact and career success.